I bought this as a gift for my husband. He absolutely loves his teapot. I will definitely be ordering from Yiquin Tea House again!!
2020福鼎白茶 [典藏高山贡眉] 白茶饼
2020福鼎白茶 [典藏高山贡眉] 白茶饼
Rp 1.076.000,00 IDR
Rp 0,00 IDR
Rp 1.076.000,00 IDR
- 产品: 2020福鼎白茶 [典藏高山贡眉] 白茶饼
- 茶叶生产工艺: 日晒
- 原料与配料: 白茶,贡眉
- 采茶期: 2020年4月
- 生产期: 2020年5月
- 保质期: 越陈越香
- 产地: 中国
- 原产地城市:福建
- 茶区: 福鼎磻溪镇吴洋山核心产区
- 储存条件: 常温, 乾燥, 避光
- 包装规格: 单饼300克 / 7饼1整提 300克 x 7, 共2100克
- 生产厂家: 福鼎金葉茶业有限公司
- 生产许可证编号: SC11435098201695
Connor Burwood Really a 4.5/5, it's a very good tea with great enduring flavor, but a small portion of the cake had very fine tea particles compressed with the leaves. I noticed this and brewed with this side of the cake first, and as expected it clogged my teapot causing the flow of water to be excessively slow. Other than that one issue, the delivery took a while to arrive since I live in the US but it was well worth it. I recommend it for sure!